
Blog Parallax

Blog Parallax

Views from the highway
Section 247/248 Agreements An old road layout which used to serve a residential development. In order to provide new adopted highway, the existing adopted highway requires stopping up.

Section 247/248 Agreements – Stopping up of the Highway

Stopping up is a process which allows for the permanent closure or diversion of the adopted highway. Part of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, the process is facilitated by the Department for Transport (DfT) with the stopping up Order being authorised by the Secretary of State. The process of stopping up or diverting the highway […]

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Section 278 Agreements – Permanent Alterations to the Highway

Section 278 Agreements are a legal agreement between a developer and the Local Highway Authority (LHA) which allows the developer to make permanent alterations to the adopted highway as part of a valid planning permission. The Section 278 Agreements are outlined within the Highways Act 1980. The Section 278 Agreement process ensures that all works […]

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Section 106 Agreements - Planning Obligations

Section 106 Agreements – Planning Obligations

Section 106 Agreements are a legal Agreement between a Local Authority and a developer, which is utilised to require developers to undertake certain works or financial contributions in order to mitigate against the impact of a development. Outlined within Section 106 of the Town and Country Planning Act 1990, Section 106 Agreements are often suggested […]

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Section 184 Agreement: A new dropped crossing between a road and private dwelling. Plastic kerbs have been used to provide the dropped crossing.

Section 184 Agreement – New and Altered Accesses and Dropped Vehicle Crossings

A Section 184 Agreement allows for the provision of a vehicle crossing across a footway or between private land and the highway. Outlined within Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980, it is an offence to cross a footway or verge without a properly constructed vehicle crossing.  Application for a Section 184 Agreement or Dropped Access […]

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