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Monolit Studio



Welcome we are Monolit

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.


Some Interisting Facts

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.

Finished projects

Happy customers

Working hours


Our featured Works


Our Skills

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.








Our Fantastic Team

Mila Slavko

CEO – Main Architect

Austin Evon

Co-manager associated

Mery Insi

Architect – Designer

Jon Twist

Architect – Designer

David Gray


Mery Spears

Designer – Photographer



What We Do

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

Delivery and Service Management Plan

In addition to a Transport Statement or Assessment, which will assess the impacts of movements generated by delivery and servicing vehicles and identify appropriate measures to mitigate those impacts, many local highway authorities would require a Delivery and Serving Plan(DSP). The delivery to set out the details of how delivery and servicing will be undertaken in a way that minimises impacts on the adjoining road network, including highway safety.

At SANDS, we have extensive experience of developing appropriate solutions for delivery and servicing, including the design of both on-street and off-street provision (supported by swept path analysis as appropriate), ensuring that this is well integrated into the landscape strategy for the development or public realm and maximises safety for active modes.

Construction Logistic Plan

Construction Logistic Plans (CLP) are important management tools for planners, developers and contractors in assessing and reducing the negative transport effects of a construction project on local communities, residents, businesses and environment. In order to begin any construction activities a planning authority may require a Construction Logistic Plan (CLP) to managed the construction phase of the development to ensure any adverse effects to the road networks, safety, environment and that the community considerations has been factored into the approach to the delivery of the construction phase.  A well-planned CLP will provide the following benefits:

  • Efficient working practices in reducing delivery and saving costs.
  • Improve safety of road users
  • Lower vehicle emission and noise levels
  • Reduce vehicle trips, particularly during peak periods

CLP’s are delivered in two stages with an outline CLP for the planning stage and a detailed CLP for the pre-construction stage following receipt of planning approval. Various planning authorities have own specific CLP guidance or proforma to be completed however the overarching guidance was developed by Transport for London (TfL) and adopted by Construction Logistic and Community Safety (CLOCS) for UK-wide implementation. SANDS have accredited experts in the delivery of Construction Logistic Plans and our practitioners ID can be found on the construction logistics website.

Transport Statements & Assessments

A transport impact assessment is required for most planning applications, which encompasses identifying and assessing potential adverse impacts of development proposals on the entire transport network and determining the appropriate mitigation packages that would need to be deployed to address those impacts.

At SANDS, our approach is to ensure that development accords with the principles of sustainable transport and we undertake thorough assessments of all developments, using appropriate assessment methodologies and techniques according to the nature and scale of the development, and preparation of a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment for submission to the local planning authorities.

Section 278 / Section 38 Planning Support

A Section 278 agreement is a section of the Highways Act 1980 that allows developers to enter into a legal agreement with the local authority to make alterations or improvements to a public highway while Section 38 is the legal mechanism whereby the local authorities adopts new roads and associated infrastructure.

We are specialists in the design delivery for Section 278 & S38 agreements, our work is tailored to match up the Developer & Council’s requirements to ensure an efficient and valued design process. These agreements provide financial and insurance mechanisms for ensuring the delivery of mitigation works identified as necessary for planning permission to be granted for a private development.


Our partners and Clients

Our team takes over everything, from an idea and concept development to realization. We believe in traditions and incorporate them within our innovations. All our projects incorporate a unique artistic image and functional solutions. Client is the soul of the project. Our main goal is to illustrate his/hers values and individuality through design.


Where to Find us

There are many variations of passages of Lorem Ipsum available, but the majority have suffered alteration in some form, by injected humour, or randomised words which don’t look even slightly believable. If you are going to use a passage of Lorem Ipsum, you need to be sure there isn’t anything embarrassing hidden in the middle of text.

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