
Delivery and Service Management Plans

Delivery and Service Management Plans


Delivery and service management plans are increasingly required as part of development planning requirements, especially where you have a major commercial or residential development that is likely to generate a large movement of goods and materials. 

In addition to a Transport Statement or Assessment, which will assess the impacts of movements generated by delivery and servicing vehicles and identify appropriate measures to mitigate those impacts, many local highway authorities would require a Delivery and Serving Plan(DSP). This is used to set out the details of how delivery and servicing will be performed in a way that minimises impacts on the adjoining road network, including highway safety.

The Delivery Service Plan will help to achieve financial savings through improved efficiencies, identify safe and legal loading provision, improve vehicular access for delivery and collection, reduce environmental impact and improve safety.

SANDS delivery and service management plans services


A Delivery and Service Management plan is meant to assess transport movements’ impact on your delivery and service management. At SANDS, we have extensive experience of developing appropriate solutions for delivery and service management plans, including the design of both on-street and off-street provision supported by swept path analysis as appropriate. We ensure that its adequately integrated into the landscape strategy for the development without jeopardizing safety for all active modes.

The Delivery and Service Management Plan can be produced either as a stand-alone document or linked to a car park management plan or a site wide traffic management plan. The following are considered as a minimum subject to the scale of the development when developing the Delivery and Service Management Plans: 

  • Location(s) for loading and unloading;
  • hours of loading and unloading;
  • frequency and size of vehicles;
  • routing, including swept paths where relevant;
  • means and opportunities for consolidation of deliveries;
  • Control measures e.g. Low/zero emission vehicles, direct vision vehicles, FORS accreditation etc,
  • waste management and segregation, storage, transfer and servicing arrangements.


We undertake all our transport planning services in house specializing in the following areas:

Transport Assessments


Transport assessments are crucial in identifying the transport impacts of a potential development proposal. They are comprehensive and systematic process that sets out transport issues relating to a proposed development. It identifies measures required to improve accessibility and safety for all modes of travel, particularly for alternatives to the car such as walking, cycling and public transport. A transport statement is a simpler version of a transport assessment when the development proposals do not require a full transport assessment.

Travel Plan


We provide bespoke travel plan services for both new and existing development projects. Travel Plans are long-term management strategies for integrating proposals for sustainable travel into the planning process. Clause 113 of the National Planning Policy Framework (NPPF) states ‘ All developments that will generate significant amounts of movement should be required to provide a Travel Plan, and the application should be supported by a transport statement or transport assessment so that the likely impacts of the proposal can be assessed.’

Parking Surveys


We provide high-quality and thoroughly assessed parking surveys based on the Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note 2012 widely regarded as the ‘Lambeth methodology’, a method adopted by many London Boroughs. We use other methodologies as specified by the local authority such as  London borough of Richmond upon Thames Parking beat survey criteria , Merton Council Transport Residential Parking Survey Methodology and Southwark Council Residential Parking Survey Methodology Guidance Note.

Construction Management Plan


Construction Management Plan (CMP) is a plan that outlines the proposed approach to the delivery of a construction project. This is often required by planning authorities as part of planning approval requirements or a condition which needs to be in place and approved in advance of construction site works. Our building consultant work’s hand in hand with our transport planning consultants to provide a CMP that addresses the detailed procedures, sequencing and construction methodology anticipated by the project team engaged in the planning, liaison and construction of the project.

Clients are often unfamiliar with the complex requirements of the contemporary, statutory and construction environment, hence the Construction Management Plan becomes an important tool for communicating the scope, aims and essential workings of the proposed project.

Construction Logistic Plans


Construction Logistic Plans (CLP) are important management tools for planners, developers and contractors in assessing and reducing the negative transport effects of a construction project on local communities, residents, businesses and environment. In order to begin any construction activities a planning authority may require a Construction Logistic Plan (CLP) to manage the construction phase of the development to ensure any adverse effects to the road networks, safety, environment and that the community considerations has been factored into the approach to the delivery of the construction phase.

At SANDS CLP’s are produced by our transport planning consultants whom are also registered CLOCS CLP practitioners to ensure the production of an effective and practical document to facilitate good management of construction vehicle related activities into and out of the proposed development.