
Our Services

Our Services

Transport Planning

Connectivity and access are important factors in driving economic growth for both the public and private sectors. The enhance mobility of people and goods through development of new and existing infrastructure is a key criterion for public driven projects and the granting of planning permission for private developments.

Construction Logistic Plan

Construction Logistic Plans (CLP) are important management tools for planners, developers and contractors in assessing and reducing the negative transport effects of a construction project on local communities, residents, businesses and environment. In order to begin any construction activities a planning authority may require a Construction Logistic Plan (CLP) to managed the construction phase of the development to ensure any adverse effects to the road networks, safety, environment and that the community considerations has been factored into the approach to the delivery of the construction phase.  A well-planned CLP will provide the following benefits:

  • Efficient working practices in reducing delivery and saving costs.
  • Improve safety of road users
  • Lower vehicle emission and noise levels
  • Reduce vehicle trips, particularly during peak periods

CLP’s are delivered in two stages with an outline CLP for the planning stage and a detailed CLP for the pre-construction stage following receipt of planning approval. Various planning authorities have own specific CLP guidance or proforma to be completed however the overarching guidance was developed by Transport for London (TfL) and adopted by Construction Logistic and Community Safety (CLOCS) for UK-wide implementation. SANDS have accredited experts in the delivery of Construction Logistic Plans and our practitioners ID can be found on the construction logistics website.

Delivery and Service Management Plan

In addition to a Transport Statement or Assessment, which will assess the impacts of movements generated by delivery and servicing vehicles and identify appropriate measures to mitigate those impacts, many local highway authorities would require a Delivery and Serving Plan(DSP). The delivery to set out the details of how delivery and servicing will be undertaken in a way that minimises impacts on the adjoining road network, including highway safety.

At SANDS, we have extensive experience of developing appropriate solutions for delivery and servicing, including the design of both on-street and off-street provision (supported by swept path analysis as appropriate), ensuring that this is well integrated into the landscape strategy for the development or public realm and maximises safety for active modes.

Transport Statements & Assessments

A transport impact assessment is required for most planning applications, which encompasses identifying and assessing potential adverse impacts of development proposals on the entire transport network and determining the appropriate mitigation packages that would need to be deployed to address those impacts.

At SANDS, our approach is to ensure that development accords with the principles of sustainable transport and we undertake thorough assessments of all developments, using appropriate assessment methodologies and techniques according to the nature and scale of the development, and preparation of a Transport Statement or Transport Assessment for submission to the local planning authorities.

Travel Plans

Travel Plans are considered in line with development proposals to encourage the use of sustainable transport to reduce congestion, improve air quality and accessibility. They ‘are long-term management strategies for integrating proposals for sustainable travel into the planning process.’

At SANDS we develop personalised travel plans for new and existing developments by creating specific measures to facilitate modal transfers improve accessibility while cutting congestion to transport networks.

Construction Management Plan

Construction Management Plan (CMP) is a plan that outlines the proposed approach to the delivery of a construction project. This is often required by planning authorities as part of planning approval requirements or a condition which needs to be in place and approved in advance of construction site works. A CMP addresses the detailed procedures, sequencing and construction methodology anticipated by the project team engaged in the planning, liaison and construction of the project.

A typical CMP addresses the following:

  • Site context and specific contractor working guidelines
  • Construction methodology and programme
  • Environmental impact monitoring and controls
  • Site waste management
  • Traffic management
  • Community considerations and engagement

At SANDS we work to elevate the design, construction and management of the project above statutory levels while seeking the most efficient approach for project delivery.

Parking Survey

One of the key issues facing motorists in England is parking both residential and commercial as most forms of development have the potential to increase the amount of car parking requirements. Parking survey is required to determine impact of a car parking of a proposed development on surrounding streets where the development has not provided adequate parking provision within its site.

Parking Stress surveys is the accepted standard by planning authorities to determine the current parking profile at the location of a proposed development and assess the impact of its parking capacity requirements.

Our Parking Stress Survey Reports are predominantly based on The Lambeth Council Parking Survey Guidance Note 2012 known as the ‘Lambeth Methodology’. This is the primary methodology for undertaking parking stress surveys however we adhere to other specific methodologies or guidance as required by the local planning authority such as Richmond, Lewisham, Merton and Southwark councils.

At SANDS e undertake parking surveys and other parking studies by collecting parking data to identify the parking trends such as duration of stay, capacity and stress in the development of parking strategies

Civil Engineering

Civil Engineering is at the core of our service provision

Drainage Design & Flood Risk Assessment

Drainage design and flood risk assessment are integral to successful planning applications with great emphasis on Sustainable Drainage Systems (SuDS) for stormwater management.  At Sands our Engineers are highly experienced in developing well balanced drainage strategies and designs towards providing cost effective solutions to discharge planning conditions and meet project requirements.

SuDS design is at the core of storm water management aiming to mimic natural performance while managing rainfall locally. We use infiltration options, attenuation systems and innovative layout arrangements to ensure maximum value is derived for the asset life.

We also produce comprehensive wastewater and foul sewer designs for efficient management of wastewater, ensuring the maximum benefit is derived from the system.

Flood risk Assessment

A flood risk assessment (FRA), reviews a development’s proposal and assesses it against the risk of flooding. A FRA is required for developments located in Flood zones 2 or 3; in a Critical Drainage Area; sites larger than 1hectare or that may have an impact on a watercourse. Flooding can come from any one or more of the following sources:

  • River (fluvial)
  • Groundwater
  • Surface water (pluvial)
  • Estuary/coastal (tidal)
  • Sewers

Our team of flood risk experts have many years of experience and can provide flood advice for any development and provide appropriate mitigation measures.

Highway Engineering

Highways are major investments and key assets for the economic growth and movements of people, goods and services.  Thriving communities depend on well planned, designed, maintained and operated highway infrastructures.

Highway design is the basis of all our services, we design and deliver complex highway schemes using cost effective and sustainable solutions from concept design to detailed design. Our work includes geometric design, pavement design, drainage and other associated elements of highways infrastructure.

Our highway design schemes takes the form of the following

  • New access roads and drainage for new developments (Section 278 & Section 38)
  • Improvements for road safety
  • Highway capacity improvements
  • Parking strategies & traffic calming schemes


The SANDSEC approach to highway project delivery is fast, smart and provides better value by incorporating best practice in collaborative working from project development phase to construction.


Our traffic engineering team uses engineering techniques in the safe and efficient movement of people and goods on the roadways. Traffic calming, congestion reduction, accident reduction, capacity improvements are design activities undertaken by our team on public infrastructure.  Several of our projects in this sector includes, safe route to school schemes, junction capacity improvements, 20mph schemes and accident prevention schemes.

Road Safety Audits

Road Safety Audit is often required by highway and planning authorities when changes are proposed to an existing highway or in the creation of a new one.

The objective of  Road Safety Audits (RSA) is to identify aspects of engineering interventions that could give rise to road safety problems and to suggest modifications that could improve road safety. It is a process that is undertaken by Road Safety Auditors independent of the design team. There are four stages to a road safety audit when considering highway works.

  • Stage 1 – Completion of preliminary design.
  • Stage 2 – Completion of detailed design.
  • Stage 3 – Completion of construction.
  • Stage 4 – Post opening monitoring.

At SANDS we have highly experienced Road Safety Auditors working on the simplest to the most complex of projects using DMRB GG119 and SQA-0170 for Transport for London(TfL) projects. SQA-170 is the procedure for carrying out Road Safety Audits (RSAs) on the Transport for London Road Network (TLRN).

Traffic Management Plan

We produce Chapter 8 traffic management plan for construction activities involving the highway network and construction site movements and requirements.  We work in conjunction with the local approving authority for TMAN approvals with designs aimed at minimising the impact on the network, road users, residential and business premises in proximity of the proposed works.

Our approach involves:

  • keeping pedestrians and vehicles apart with adequate allowance for non-motorised users;
  • minimising vehicle movements;
  • ensuring adequate visibility for all vehicle movements around the construction site.
  • ensuring minimum impact on the local networks
  • ensuring proposed traffic management route(s) are sufficient for the required vehicle types via route assessment and vehicle swept path analysis of key junctions and other constrained locations.
  • and limiting the impact on surrounding roads from illegal manoeuvres, rat running and illegal parking.

Public realm & Place making

Public realm improvements and establishments of quality streets, thriving and sustainable spaces is one of SANDS’s key specialist area of work. The use of imaginative solutions and materials to improve the use of space for people, movement and economic development.  We create new urban spaces while incorporating active travel measures, play and relaxation areas without jeopardising the existing nature, spirit and identity of the environment.

Our experience of working collaboratively with landscape architects, local authority placemaking and regeneration teams in England & Wales ensures the delivery of sustainable, cost efficient designs that inspire the local community.  In our experience the successful delivery of regeneration schemes involves a smooth blend of Local consultations outcomes, physical and operational requirements of public spaces balanced with urban landscape architecture.

Section 278 / Section 38 Planning Support

A Section 278 agreement is a section of the Highways Act 1980 that allows developers to enter into a legal agreement with the local authority to make alterations or improvements to a public highway while Section 38 is the legal mechanism whereby the local authorities adopts new roads and associated infrastructure.

We are specialists in the design delivery for Section 278 & S38 agreements, our work is tailored to match up the Developer & Council’s requirements to ensure an efficient and valued design process. These agreements provide financial and insurance mechanisms for ensuring the delivery of mitigation works identified as necessary for planning permission to be granted for a private development.