
Month: August 2023

Month: August 2023

Section 184 Agreement – New and Altered Accesses and Dropped Vehicle Crossings

A Section 184 Agreement allows for the provision of a vehicle crossing across a footway or between private land and the highway. Outlined within Section 184 of the Highways Act 1980, it is an offence to cross a footway or verge without a properly constructed vehicle crossing.  Application for a Section 184 Agreement or Dropped Access […]

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Section 38 Agreement – Creation of New Public Highways

Section 38 Agreements are a legal agreement between a developer and the Local Highway Authority (LHA) which allows the developer to construct new highway which is to be maintained at the public expense as part of a valid planning permission. The Section 38 Agreement is outlined within Section 38 of the Highways Act 1980 and exists to […]

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